Sunday 22 December 2013

My new website for real estate

Real Estate for Petaling Jaya & Selangor in Malaysia.
Feel free to visit my website as below link

Tuesday 5 March 2013

It's Not about the money, It's about helping people

Why most people fail in MLM? I finally found out the answer which is they misunderstand the concept of it. Many people treat MLM (multi level marketing) as a money making machine, includes me.

I do the same when i am starting in Organo Gold. During the first month in Organo Gold, I feel it's tough and I wonder why is it so simple to other people. I always feel stress when having conversation with people regarding of OG because during the conversation, i always think of "You join, I earn". When the people i present have no interest to join, i feel so stress and will keep thinking of it days and days, weeks to weeks.

After few month in OG, I finally understand the concept of OG, why is OG growing so fast (fastest growing company  in MLM), and the slogan of OG, "It's Easy, It's Simple, It's Coffee" and "Bringing the treasure of the earth to the people of the world".

It finally got up in my mind when i see everyone in OG office always feel happy during presentation, they didn't do it for the money, they just want to help the people they know to gain a healthier lifestyle".  Some of them didn't even present the marketing plan and just talk about OG coffee and the regular acidic coffee.

From that time onward, in my presentation, I only introduce OG coffee just with one intention, which is helping other to gain a healthier lifestyle. It really is a awesome feeling after the presentation even though i didn't even earn a single cent. After the presentation, I knew that I have done what I should do which is giving out free knowledge to the people whom I present. This is a feeling that money couldn't even buy, a feeling of helping people.

If you are feel stress in MLM, don't do it for money, do it to help people. During the presentation, there is only one intention in mind, you are there to give free information, that's it. The decision of joining is not made by you and is made by the person you pressent.

Hope this help anyone who in the same situation as i was before =)
It's Easy, It's Simple, It's Coffee !

Monday 4 March 2013

Top 12 MLM Earner in the World ( March 2013 )

Organo Gold continues to grow exponentially globally. Worth staying on for those who are already in, and worth joining the No.1 momentum growth MLM in the world, for those who are not in yet.

Now, 5 Organo Gold Distributors in the top 12 list in just merely 5 year, and Holton Buggs is the outright No. 1 top earner.

Anyone would like to join OG or understand more about it, feel free to email me @ . Let's become wealthy and healthy together !

It's Easy, It's Simple, It's Coffee.

Sunday 20 January 2013

New Brochure

This is Organo Gold Malaysia new brochure inner page, have all the detail for any people that is interested in Organo Gold. It's Simple, It's Easy, It's Coffee. 

My mission is to share this healthy coffee to everyone, anyone interested in trying out OG coffee, email me to get a free sample [Malaysia, Selangor]

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Organo Gold

We are Organo Gold and this is who we are

Organo Gold is on a mission, spreading the knowledge of Ganoderma to the four corners of the world. By using the cost effective network distribution system to deliver these Ganoderma products, more of every dollar is shared with our growing Organo Gold family world-wide.

Think about your future. Where will you and your family be in 5 years from right now? You may know where you want to be, but do you know how you are going to get there? Do you have a plan? Now more than ever it’s up to you to define your future. That’s where Organo Gold comes into the picture.

Organo Gold is a global family that is growing and thriving every day. A family that is caring and compassionate and believes that the knowledge of Ganoderma should be in the hands of people world-wide. It’s a family that cares about you.

Friday 17 August 2012

Secrets To Become A Millionaire

There are two types of income :
  1. Active Income
  2. Passive Income

Active Income
Active income is what our school teachers and parents taught us, " Study hard. Get good results. Get a good job. Stick with it until you retire ". Example : Lawyers, Doctor, Engineer, Chef, Manager, etc. Did you know these jobs will get you good pay after working hard for 10 years or so, say RM10,000 per month? Wow, that's good income, but you might have not have that much freedom! When you wish to take a long leave to go on a vacation with your family for a month, you will most probably NOT get paid for that month!! That is Active Income. Even a highly paid consultant who are paid hourly have to perform that hour to get paid. This is trading time for money.

Passive Income 
Passive income is like when you own a money making machine. Example of passive income : MLM, Investment In Franchises, Home Based Businesses, etc. Passive income requires you to work hard to build the foundation of the business/network but only needs a very short period of time before the business actually becomes a money making machine that provides you with continuous income that doesn't require your direct effort anymore!

So, now you can make your choice to either:
  1. Stick with the active income and retire at the age of 55; or
  2. Know more about passive income, start your ground work, and retire in 2 years.

Organo Gold - Coffee That Pays

Do you know Organo Gold is revolutionizing the market place by creating new coffee millionaires 120 new coffee millionaires in 3 years ) whom are earning approximately 100,000 USD per month. They are from ordinary background with average education, and it all happened in 3 years.

Organo gold is a combination of coffee industry ( the billionaire maker industry ) and MLM ( the millionaire maker industry ). Organo Gold first started up in US and in merely 3 years, it has successfully enter 18 countries across various continents. On June 2012, it started up in Malaysia bringing in a new and interesting market here.

MLM is a millionaire industry but not everyone can achieve it easily. So, why am I still sharing Organo Gold? Because it's so simple where no deep knowledge is required. Anyone over 18 can do it! How sure am I? Very!! Cause it's just coffee!!! How many people you know actually ask the question how is coffee made? 90% of the answer wouldn't. They just drink it. Another reason why it is easy is because it is a daily necessity for most people and not a luxury product. Try thinking it this way: what will you do when you finish your milo, nescafe or tea? You restock!

Do you know how much it cost for a cup of Organo Gold black coffee? As i said it is not a luxury product, it's just RM1.10, and it is healthy. While you are still reading, I am glad i can share with you two Youtube videos, "healthiest coffee in the world" , "Organo Gold Coffee Millionaire" .

Finish watching the video? Are you ready to be the next coffee millionaire? If yes, call me now and ask me how! 

It's easy, It's simple, It's coffee.
Additional research :

Why MLM Concept

I used to share about Organo Gold Coffee to people around me in which I always make it clear that this is a MLM company. As expected, most of their response would be "MLM?? Why MLM??!!". So, here I share with you this secret, why MLM.

MLM is a millionaire maker industry and it is GLOBALIZED. Had Organo Gold not adopted this concept, it would have been impossible for it to bring the treasure of the earth around the world in such a short period of time. If Organo Gold Coffee was selling on a restaurant shelf, It will take roughly 20 years to share the healthiest coffee to the whole world.

Without the MLM concept, only millionaires can enjoy the coffee in a stress-free mood while others worry about their income.

So now, I believe you have already understood why the company is using the MLM concept, the word-of-mouth advertisement which is the most powerful way of moving products and services to the end user.

Organo Gold Scam?

If you search Google for Organo Gold scam, you shouldn't be surprise to find such relevant articles. Like you, I did a lot of research before i joined Organo Gold. Previously, i was an anti-MLM person and as such, when my dad intro me to Organo Gold, I thought to myself, "Haiz, why go for MLM business". But as i have always hold on to the strong believe that everybody will be offered with various opportunity in life and it is up to him/her to decide whether to take the life changing decision with an open mind, I decided to do more research on OG. I visited the office personally for further understanding, and when this was done, I knew at that very moment that " IT IS THE ONE!", as it is a company still at the infant stage where the growth of it will lead to the rise of more millionaires! In a short period of merely 3 years, OG had produce over hundreds of millionaires! Having understood the marketing plan and the systems of the company, I am now proud and happy to be a member of OG as it has changed my life from a home-staying game addict to a more outgoing and sociable man.

Well, enough stories said. i believe i haven answer your question exactly. so, is OG a scam? Scam according to the dictionary means…….. So it's call a scam when you have to throw in lots of money and don't get anything promised in return! It's also known as money game. OG is not a scam cause….... What about the promises the company make bout how we can make lots of money? Is that true? The simple and obvious answer is YES! Provided you are willing to put effort in it. Everything in life works the same way. Nothing is free in life. Every job require us to put in effort. If you are willing to put more effort at the start of your career in a MLM company, you'll definitely be able to gain the earnings. I believe that the first 90 days in your career will determine the success of your career in the rest of your life!!

There are VARIOUS ways to make profit in Organo Gold. The two main way is through Dual Team Bonus and Unilevel.

1) Dual Team Bonus

As the name suggest, dual team means 2 teams.

As you can see from the diagram, you will have 2 teams.

On the left team, you personally sponsored Ali (Gold Package) while he personally sponsored Abu (Silver Package). The CV (commissionable volume) on left team is equivalent to 3800.

On the right team, you personally sponsored Bob (Gold Package). The CV on right team is equivalent to 2700.

The team with the lower CV is known as the Pay Leg while the higher cv team is known as the Anchor Leg. Organo Gold will pay you based on the Pay Leg. In this example, the pay rate will be as the following.

Dual Team Bonus is calculated daily and paid out weekly.

2) Unilevel

Unilevel is a LIFE TIME Residual Income and is based on the personal comsumption of your downlines. There is a total of 9 levels. For each level, you can sponsor an infinite number of people. 

From the example above, you can see that there are 10 personally sponsored down-line, in which 5 of them bought RM400 worth of coffee for personal consumption. For the first level, it will be 5% of RM400 for each person, therefore if there are 5 people in your down-line maintaining that consumption level, you will be getting RM100 for the first level. The monthly income for all the levels following shown above are calculated on the same assumption that there will be approximately 5 ppl maintaining (Each of your downline have 5 personally sponsored downline who maintains).

It make senses that most of the people would maintain the consumption level as they would want to earn the bonus. For example, if your earning in Organo Gold next month is RM10,000 , will you pay RM400 to buy the product in order to get the RM10,000 ? YES, definitely!!

Well, enough said for now. Don't just do anything blindly. You don't have to believe me right away before doing any research on your own! But I'm confident enough to say that you'll find this to be the life changing opportunity you have been waiting for!!

Wednesday 15 August 2012

How Do I Start

Are you interested but lost?? Are you thinking of " How or where to start?" or " What should i do now?" like many other people whom I have came across to?

It's simple!! Just Pick up your phone now and give me a call for further information and I'll be more than happy to help!

Don't judge it now! Give it a try and do not miss this precious chance. Your fortune begins HERE.