Friday 17 August 2012

Secrets To Become A Millionaire

There are two types of income :
  1. Active Income
  2. Passive Income

Active Income
Active income is what our school teachers and parents taught us, " Study hard. Get good results. Get a good job. Stick with it until you retire ". Example : Lawyers, Doctor, Engineer, Chef, Manager, etc. Did you know these jobs will get you good pay after working hard for 10 years or so, say RM10,000 per month? Wow, that's good income, but you might have not have that much freedom! When you wish to take a long leave to go on a vacation with your family for a month, you will most probably NOT get paid for that month!! That is Active Income. Even a highly paid consultant who are paid hourly have to perform that hour to get paid. This is trading time for money.

Passive Income 
Passive income is like when you own a money making machine. Example of passive income : MLM, Investment In Franchises, Home Based Businesses, etc. Passive income requires you to work hard to build the foundation of the business/network but only needs a very short period of time before the business actually becomes a money making machine that provides you with continuous income that doesn't require your direct effort anymore!

So, now you can make your choice to either:
  1. Stick with the active income and retire at the age of 55; or
  2. Know more about passive income, start your ground work, and retire in 2 years.

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