Friday 17 August 2012

Why MLM Concept

I used to share about Organo Gold Coffee to people around me in which I always make it clear that this is a MLM company. As expected, most of their response would be "MLM?? Why MLM??!!". So, here I share with you this secret, why MLM.

MLM is a millionaire maker industry and it is GLOBALIZED. Had Organo Gold not adopted this concept, it would have been impossible for it to bring the treasure of the earth around the world in such a short period of time. If Organo Gold Coffee was selling on a restaurant shelf, It will take roughly 20 years to share the healthiest coffee to the whole world.

Without the MLM concept, only millionaires can enjoy the coffee in a stress-free mood while others worry about their income.

So now, I believe you have already understood why the company is using the MLM concept, the word-of-mouth advertisement which is the most powerful way of moving products and services to the end user.

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